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The Renewed Mind with Ashley Varner

Feb 25, 2020

Praying for your husband will work better than nagging him. Here are five ways you can pray for your husband and help him be man God has called him to be.


5 Ways to Pray for Your Husband Blog Post
Thrive Bible Study Vault
Pray for Your Husband Printable
8 Ways to Help Your Husband Connect with Your...

Feb 18, 2020

You know that studying the Bible is important, but it's hard to find a time to start when you're crazy busy. Introducing the TEA method! A 5-10 minute way to study the Bible that gets real, practical results. It's perfect for moms!

Blog Post & Video of the TEA Method

Free Bible Study Printable

Feb 11, 2020

Being organized is a form of being a good steward of what God has given you. It lessens stress, saves time, and keeps our lives running smoothly. I'm sure you have your phone in hand right now, so download these apps to make it work for you!



Get Organized with These 5 Apps Blog Post



Feb 4, 2020

Fasting is all the craze right now. But the Bible has been teaching on for centuries. Today, I'm sharing a practical guide to fasting and sharing the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits you'll find when you fast.

Fasting Blog Post
Thrive Bible Study Vault
Printable Guide to Biblical Fasting