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The Renewed Mind with Ashley Varner

Jun 24, 2021

Today, I'm sharing what Biblical Affirmations are and how you can use them correctly.  I'm also sharing the four stages of thinking and how you can go from thinking "I can't" to "I am."


Resources mentioned:

Thrive Bible Studies: 

Comparison Episode:

Jun 17, 2021

Have you ever heard the phrase, "Happy endings follow happy journeys"? Today, I'm sharing the power of future thinking.  You have the ability to change your thoughts to positive thoughts. We'll see what God's Word says about what we should be thinking and how we can use our thoughts to get to where we want to...

Jun 10, 2021

Comparison is a struggle for most of us. What starts off pretty innocently can turn into an unquenchable force in our lives. Today, I'm sharing the pitfalls of comparison and how we can finally get out from under it.

Resources Mentioned:

Your Identity Podcast:

Video on the Dangers...

Jun 3, 2021

We've learned about how our thoughts can guide our feelings, and today we're going to expound on how your thoughts also affect your actions. There are many different variations of thought around this, but today we'll be using the Thought Model as created by Brooke Castillo.

This model centers around the abbreviation...